The Ultimate Moving Day Checklist

Moving day checklist

The Ultimate Moving Day Checklist

Moving is stressful; if you don’t come prepared, it can cause even more headaches than necessary.

Whether you’re moving out of your current home or relocating to another city, having a checklist of items to take care of on the big day will make a huge difference in how smoothly the move goes. That’s why we’ve created the ultimate moving day checklist – so you can enter your move confident and organized! Please keep reading for all our essential tips for success!


Importance of being prepared for moving day

Moving to a new home and location can be a roller coaster of emotions. On the one hand, you’re excited about a fresh start and a new chapter. On the other hand, the thought of packing up, transporting, and unpacking all your belongings can be overwhelming.

That’s why being prepared for moving day is crucial. It’s about having enough boxes and bubble wrap and mentally preparing you for the transition. Take small steps leading to the big day, like decluttering and packing non-essential items early. Don’t be too hard on yourself if things don’t go as planned. 


Benefits of a moving day checklist

Having a checklist of things to get done by moving day will help you feel more in control and organized. Writing out each step from start to finish, such as confirming details with the movers and backing up important files on your computer, can help you stay ahead of the game.

Plus, involving all family members in the planning process is good practice. Have each person take on a specific task, like packing their room or helping out with loading up the truck. It will make the overall move easier and give kids a sense of ownership and responsibility that can be valuable to their development.


Movers in Washington moving boxes on to a truck.

Truck Movers Loading Van Carrying Boxes And Moving House

Preparing for moving day

Now that you know the importance of being prepared for moving day and the benefits of having a checklist, here are some tips to get you started and here’s a downloadable version of our Moving Day Checklist:

Download Moving Day Checklist from Air Van – Sheet1


One month before moving

Yes! The checklist starts a month before the moving day. Start by:

  • Notifying utilities and service providers of your move. This includes the post office, bank, cable and internet company, etc.
  • You should also provide your new address to the postal service. 
  • Sort and declutter belongings
  • Reserve a moving truck or hire a moving company. 


Two weeks before moving

Two weeks before moving day, be sure to:

  • Begin packing non-essential items.
  • Create a moving inventory list.
  • Confirm moving arrangements with the moving company.


One week before moving

Getting closer to the big day, here are some things to do:

  • Pack a suitcase with essentials for the first week.
  • Label and organize packed boxes
  • Prepare a “first-night” box with items you may need immediately.
  • Disassemble large furniture and appliances


The day before moving

With the move just around the corner, here are some tasks to tackle:

  • Finish packing the remaining items that are not already packed.
  • Empty and defrost the refrigerator
  • Confirm the moving schedule with the moving company.
  • Prepare payment and tips for movers.


Moving day tasks

It’s the big day! Here are some must-dos on a moving day:

The morning of moving day

Ensure to pack last-minute essentials like chargers and toiletries. Don’t forget to secure valuables and important documents in safe places. Walk through your old home and check that nothing has been left behind.

During the move

Stay in close communication with movers or truck drivers throughout the day and give them directions if needed. Inspect all boxes and furniture packed and loaded onto the vehicle to ensure nothing is forgotten or damaged.

Double-check the moving inventory list and make sure all items have arrived. Keep essential documents and contact information handy to refer to them if needed.

Arrival at the new home

Try to be organized when the movers arrive and designate a specific space for each item. Make sure everything is unloaded without any damage. Check all items in the moving inventory list before signing it, as this will serve as proof of delivery.

Finally, inspect each room and mark where the furniture should be placed so the movers can get it right. If you hire them to assemble the furniture, ensure they have the necessary tools and supplies.

First night in the new home

After a long day, here are some things to do:

Unpack the first-night box with essentials such as bedding, toiletries, and snacks after you make your beds, and set up essential electronics and appliances like the refrigerator, microwave, and television.

Then, take a break, order takeout, and relax!

Post-moving tasks

Wait! The checklist doesn’t stop here. Here’s what you need to do once you have moved:

The day after moving

Start unpacking the boxes and organize items in designated areas. Make it feel like home by decorating the walls and decorating your furniture.

This is also the time for you to explore your neighborhood. Locate important amenities and services in the neighborhood, such as groceries, banks, and parks.

Within the first week

After one week, arrange to transfer your utility services and register for any required service with the new local government. Also, if necessary, set up a new utility account.

You must also update your address with banks, insurance providers, and other essential contacts. Finally, don’t forget to inform family and friends about your move so they can update their contact information with your new address.

Within the first month

Congratulations! You managed to move and settle in your new home.

However, there are still some tasks that need your attention:

  • Complete unpacking and decorating: if you still have some unpacking, don’t forget to do it. And if you are looking for a personal touch in your home décor, this is the time to get creative and decorate!
  • Host a housewarming party: share your new home with your loved ones by inviting them over for a housewarming party.
  • Write a review of your moving experience: share your moving experience with others. If you hired a professional mover, write an honest review about their services so that others can benefit from your experience.

Tips for a successful moving day

With our ultimate checklist, you can have a successful move. To ensure that everything will run smoothly, you must stay organized throughout the process, actively communicate with the moving company, and, most importantly, stay flexible and anticipate potential issues calmly.

The checklist is a great tool, but your experience will depend on how well the moving company is prepared. Make sure to choose a reliable and experienced moving company that will handle all the details of your move so you can enjoy a stress-free relocation.


All this planning, prepping, and organizing may seem overwhelming. Still, the key is to take it gradually and stay on top of items on your list. Being well prepared for moving day will help ensure you have a stress-free experience to enjoy the fruits of your labor finally.

Remember to treat yourself and not be too hard on yourself; ask your friends or family for help. This is a fun process and an opportunity for adventure in our lives!

Lastly, if you ever encounter something too difficult to handle alone, consider Air Van | Bellevue Moving Company to get you through the tough stuff. You can make this transition easygoing with their services and advice alongside your organization skills and ultimate moving day checklist. 

Moving can be exciting, no matter the size or destination! Good luck!